Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 11, Issue : 2, Year : 2024
Article Page : 51-57
Background: Older adults are vulnerable to nutritional risk states due to low food intake and presence of chronic medical conditions. Thus, they require an extended nutrition assessment.
Aims and Objectives : This study aimed to assess the nutritional status and identify the common nutritional problems present among older adults in the community.
Materials and Methods: A quantitative approach was used with a convenience sampling method. The participants were 50 adults, both males and females, aged above 50 years and residing in a selected catchment area of the community in Kottayam district. Data collection was extracted from a larger survey carried out in this area which used a structured questionnaire.
Results: A majority of the participants were aged between 50- 55 years (n =28, 56%), males (n = 26, 52%), belonged to nuclear families (n= 33, 66%), had high school education (n= 17, 34%), were unemployed (n =18, 36%), and married (n=48, 96%). Regarding the nutritional status, nearly 24% of the participants were overweight (n 12) and 6% were obese (n = 3). Regarding the nutritional risk factors, a majority of them were following unhealthy diets (n=39, 78%), had irregular food habits (n=32, 64%), and had the habit of skipping meals (n=31, 62%). Consumption of sugar-rich foods (n = 11, 22%), with a low intake of milk and milk products (n =36, 72%), and an intake of fried foods (n =32, 64%) were reported by the participants. Moreover, 18% of them (n =9) had regular consumption of alcohol. Nutritional risk states were present in nearly 50% of them.
Discussion: The study results demonstrated the presence of various lifestyle-related nutritional risk factors and gave insight into the existing nutritional patterns among older adults and the problems associated with nutritional intake.
Conclusion: The study results highlight the need for adopting a healthy lifestyle and the dietary and behavioral modifications required as an urgent measure to tackle the problems associated with chronic disease escalating at the fastest pace in Kerala. Further studies are required to assess the specific nutritional problems in a large sample of the population and long-term monitoring of the nutritional factors.
Keywords: Nutritional status, Nutritional problems, Older adults, Dietary patterns, Ageing population, Nutritional risk factors
How to cite : John B, George J, Jose P, Joseph A, Manoj A M, Jomon A M, Sony C M, The nutritional status and problems among older adults in a selected rural community of kerala. Ann Geriatr Educ Med Sci 2024;11(2):51-57
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Received : 05-11-2024
Accepted : 05-12-2024
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