Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 11, Issue : 1, Year : 2024
Article Page : 15-18
Background: OA is the single most common cause of disability in older adults. The prevalence of OA is increasing due to population aging and an increase in related factors such as obesity.
Aims & Object: A single centered, prospective pilot study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Roghan Surkh-A Unani compound formulation as local application in geriatric patients of OA. Conventional medical management of OA have its limitation due to various reasons. The aim of the study is to provide safe and effective alternate treatment of OA.
Materials and Methods: A pre-test and post-test pilot study was conducted at Unani OPD Majeedia Hospital, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi. Out of 38 patients of Knee joint Osteoarthritis recruited for the study, thirty patients completed the three months duration of the study with local application of R. Surkh BID on the affected Knee joint. Clinical efficacy of test drug was measured on WOMAC Arthritis Index on three sub-scale on VAS score.
Conclusion: The test drug have relief of 41.98%, 32.06% and 30% on WOMAC sub-scales of pain score, stiffness score and performing daily activities scores respectively. It may be concluded that local application of Roghan Surkh is safe and very effective in geriatric patients of Knee joint OA. Sample size and duration of the study are very short to evaluate the efficacy of test drug. So further clinical studies for longer duration and on larger sample size are required to prove the efficacy of the local application of R. Surkh on geriatric Knee joint OA patients.
Keywords: Roghan Surkh, Wajaul Mafasil, Osteoarthritis (OA), Knee joint, WOMAC Arthritis Index
How to cite : Zaidi Z K, Allaqaband S M, Alam S, Nasir A, A pilot study to evaluate the efficacy of local application of unani compound formulation in geriatric knee joint oa patients. Ann Geriatr Educ Med Sci 2024;11(1):15-18
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Received : 17-05-2024
Accepted : 10-06-2024
Viewed: 722
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